Fabric 12'x12' - Ultrabounce - rent Berlin

This 3,6 x 3,6m highly versatile fabric is lightweight and waterproof. Our original WHITE/BLACK ULTRABOUNCE® product has a white side that provides a soft, even bounce without any hot spot and a matte black side that can be used for negative fill or masking.

For even softer bounce cloth please find Windbag / White Solid or Muslin Cloths at our rental.

Fabric 12'x12' - Ultrabounce

Starting at 18 €
Prices per day excluding vat.

This 3,6 x 3,6m highly versatile fabric is lightweight and waterproof. Our original WHITE/BLACK ULTRABOUNCE® product has a white side that provides a soft, even bounce without any hot spot and a matte black side that can be used for negative fill or masking.

For even softer bounce cloth please find Windbag / White Solid or Muslin Cloths at our rental.

Included in the box

1x Cloth, 22 Bungees, 1x Bag.